Joyful Noise

JNR100 Membership [Monthly]

$ 100.00 USD  


In 2024, we’re offering the same discounted flat-rate ($1,000) payment option as in previous years. However, if you choose that option, we ask that you please sign up by November 1. If you don’t want to go that route, we do still have this $100 per month option.

On the docket for 2024 (so far), we are planning releases from:
Folk Implosion, Deerhoof, Kishi Bashi, Tropical Fuck Storm, WHY?, Oneida, El Ten Eleven, Finom, Danielson, Dale Crover, SUUNS, Magic Sword, plus a couple of new artists! 

As always, we appreciate your support VERY MUCH! We couldn't do this crazy label without you. 


    JNR 100 members automatically receive the first 100 copies of EVERY release from the label - no ordering necessary. JNR 100 members are charged $100 per month, and in exchange they receive one monthly package containing each new JNR release on the most limited edition format (hand-numbered between 1 and 100). This includes the super limited "Art Object" type releases, elaborate Box Sets, and VIP editions of any other release. In addition to the low-numbered copies, JNR 100 members also receive the following:

    What you get:
    - One of the first 100 copies of every releases from JNR.*
    - Four exclusive releases each year, not available to the general public.
    - Advanced downloads, prior to public release.
    - Ability to request guest list spots for and JNR-artist shows in your area.
    - Special JNR100 Merch (T-shirt, pin, and TBD).
    - Free shipping on everything (within the US).
    - 50% off anything from the JNR store (in case you want duplicate copies, or back catalog stuff).
    - Insider access, including voting on demos, participating in occasional JNR meetings, and an invitation to our annual "summit" in Indianapolis. 
    *There may come a time when we have an opportunity to release a really insane and extra high-value item that we will not be able to include with JNR100. We don't know what, when, or if this will ever happen, but in the event that it does, you will still have ample notice and early access to a hidden page on our website where you will be able to purchase it at a discounted rate. This has not happened thus far, but you never know what the future holds.



      Basically, we view the JNR100 as our "inner circle" or "advisory panel". It's a way for us to bring our most trusted supporters into some of the decisions that help guide the label. JNR100 members are invited to help us decide on which bands to sign, and are invited to contribute to quarterly label meetings. It's a great benefit to us to bounce ideas off of our loyal supporters. It helps to keep the label on the right path. Like a fan-owned sports team or something. Furthermore, on a business level, the JNR100 members' willingness to commit to every release gives us the stability to take chances on new artists and potentially risky releases. Being able to count on a fixed number of "guaranteed sales" for any release allows us to take chances on incredible new music that might not yet have an audience. It allows us to keep our focus on the art, and not entirely on commerce. Lastly, it's important to us that our most limited / specialty releases end up in the right hands. With the JNR100 we know these releases will stay out of the hands of hawkish resellers.** Call us superstitious, but we think this music will do more good in the world if it's in the right hands.

      **We reserve the right to inquire and investigate if we suspect any JNR 100 member is abusing his/her privileges by flipping these records at exorbitant prices. If you want to unload a particular release that you're just not that into, no problem. But seriously. You'll be booted in a heartbeat and socio-digitally tarred and feathered by your former JNR100 pals.

      Cost is $100/month—or $1,000/year—and is inclusive of all other subscriptions and VIP fees. We know this is a significant financial decision, and it isn't for everybody. JNR100 members are almost like financial backers. It's a "trustfall" situation, and your financial support helps us to stay focused on the things that matter... Which is especially important in a financial landscape where banks no longer lend money (especially not a purpose-driven business such as ours). 

      If you're the type of person that already buys almost everything we release, we assure you this is a very fair price. But if this price is a struggle for you, please put your real needs first. No one should go hungry for vinyl records. 


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