Join the Kenny Dennis III Street Team
Serengeti’s new album, Kenny Dennis III, is out November 11th. There are too many people in the world who don’t know about this and who don’t even know who Kenny is. I know! Crazy! To fix that, we’d like to enlist you to put up posters to raise awareness (in exchange for an awesome reward).
Just follow the instructions below:
1. Email your name and the address where we can send you 30 of these posters:
2. After receiving your posters, give them each a caption announcing the coming of KD III on November 11th (get creative! there will be a reward for the best caption) and post them where potential Kenny fans will see them. Record stores, music venues, coffee shops, malls, sports venues, etc.
3. Take photos of your posters on display and email them to
4. Sit back and wait to collect your reward, consisting of: a free advance download of Kenny Dennis III, a comic book detailing the events of the album and a screen printed poster of Kenny and Ders (signed by Serengeti) shown as a work in progress below.
For all of you who are gonna join the team, thank you. Now let’s go spread the word!
To begin email