Introducing: Divorcee, new band from Yoni Wolf (of WHY?) & his ex, Anna Stewart
We are pleased to introduce you to Divorcee, the new project from Yoni Wolf and his ex-girlfriend, Anna Stewart. The band’s debut EP will be released tomorrow exclusively via the JNR webstore.
With their self-titled EP, the WHY? frontman steps out of the spotlight to craft all the music himself, while Stewart sets her brutally honest lyrics to each song. The album is at times a podium for her to proclaim her own perspective about her former relationship with Yoni, a subject well-documented through previous WHY? songs (most notably on the album “Alopecia”). She recounts her relationship anxieties with gut-wrenching honesty and an endearing, confident tone, revealing the feminine counterpoint to WHY? songs like “Good Friday” & “The Hollows”. Her lyrics are impactful, unsettling, and sometimes quite deprecating toward her former lover / new bandmate.
The debut EP is a vinyl/digital only release, featuring a limited pressing of 400 hand-numbered copies on red-velvet splatter vinyl. Orders ship immediately (none of that usual pre-order delay), and include an instant MP3 & WAV download of the full album. Divorcee will be released to the world next week, but is available right now to you lucky bastards.