Show Preview: CJ Boyd w/ Mark Dippel and Benny Sanders at JNR 6/18
This Saturday, CJ Boyd, Mark Dippel and Benny Sanders hit the stage at Joyful Noise's Murphy Building space!
CJ Boyd's most recent album, Precariat, was released in 2014. Live, Boyd has been immersing his audiences in an ocean of sound using stand-up bass and bass guitar loops as well as vocals for the past 8 years. Improv as well a variety of songs from his career are used to entrance audiences all over. Recently he was touring on the same bill as Sister Grotto, traversing the East Coast. In August he will be touring the west with his band Curve Choir and he has an upcoming tour where he will be playing bass for Chicharra. He says that if he was ice cream, the type of M&M he would want used to top him is black walnut. The wall of ambient sounds he creates is sure to engulf your being in a unique live experience.
Supporting Boyd is Indianapolis's own Mark Dippel. When not fulfilling mail orders at Joyful Noise HQ, Mark uses his guitar to save immigrants from hoards of pigeons. His music can be heard here.
Fountain Square legend Benny Sanders is also performing. Benny's a fan of Australian accents and says that if he was stranded on an island and could only eat one type of food he would top his Dutch baby pancakes with scallions and chorizo. Focusing more on visual art recently, his solo shows have been rare as of late. For this show he's going to be playing the songs he's written that he can remember, but there's a good chance you'll hear "My Favorite Tree", which is about a tree in Fountain Square. Thanks to his new guitar that will be , you have no need to worry about potentially perilous porcupine invasions at this show! His music is available for streaming and download on Music Family Tree.